
  • Diet is significant because it happens three times per day, while workouts only occasionally happen or at most happen once per day. That means in a week you've have eaten at least 21 meals while having worked out only (maybe) 6-7 times. The importance of eating a healthy diet is enormous.

    The missing piece with a diet-only approach is that there is a lack of stimulus on your body to increase muscle mass or increase bone density. These are both crucial for overall health and make a huge difference when it comes to maintaining health.

    Many people have achieved weight loss with a diet-only approach, but most find that they have a hard time maintaining low body weight. And usually, they end up increasing again. This 'yo-yo' is primarily because of a lack of muscle mass.

    An individual with muscle mass is going to have a higher metabolic output than a person with less muscle mass. So two people with matching scale weights, but different amounts of muscle mass on their body, are going to burn different amounts of calories even while they do matching behaviors. So a person with more muscle mass burns more calories while sitting on the couch than a person who has less muscle mass.

    Combination of a healthy diet and smart exercise results in a stimulus on the body that reduces fat and increases muscle. The increase in muscle mass makes it easier to stay healthy in the long run.

  • I don't require progress photos, but visually documenting your journey is an essential measuring tool. It's also crucial for me as your coach to see you.

    Most people who take pictures find them to be great trophies later. Most people who don't take pictures wish they had later.

  • Certainly! We will work together to get you to eat a healthy balanced diet. Focusing on ensuring you consume adequate nutrients from healthy foods without feeling like you're missing out on favorites.

    There are some foods I advocate for you to include, and there are some foods that I encourage you to restrict (excessive alcohol, added sugars, and artificial sweeteners), along with other foods/ingredients which can cause inflammation.

  • No, I don't give out meal plans. Meal plans are pretty strict and rarely followed over the long term. The structure of a meal plan can help many people, but more people end up feeling like they've failed and are beyond hope if they're not eating perfectly at every meal.

    Instead, you and I will work through a series of small habit changes to maximise your nutrition. You choose—with my help–the foods are best for you to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat.

  • When it comes to food, most clients end up saving money on their grocery bills. This is because they make more informed, careful decisions, eat out less, and spend fewer dollars on processed novelty foods, replacing them with whole, delicious natural foods.

    As for supplements, I may recommend a few health-oriented products based on your unique needs and goals. These are optional and typically vitamins and minerals, not crazy 'proprietary blends.'

  • I don't force anyone to do anything. I think I can be more useful to you as a teacher of what to do and a reminder of how important it is to do those things.

    Sometimes I function to help people strike a balance between opposing forces, but they can enjoy good health and maintain a lifestyle that they are happy with.

    Sometimes I function to remind people of just how important it is for them to do the right things. I don't do this in a mean, bossy, or controlling way, but I am very direct.

  • Training with me is designed to effectively combat the physiological causes of cravings and hunger. Improved hunger signaling is achieved through a combination of factors, including nutritional content of the program, and an approach designed to stabilize blood sugar levels.

  • No, unlike diets that use simple calorie restriction, nutrition advice from me is designed to assist in increasing muscle mass. You might even feel like you're eating more while losing weight.

  • Points systems aren't corrupt, but they fail to address the fact that calories are not equal. Your body needs proper nutrition for optimal weight loss. You will learn about the food itself, not a point system around food.

  • For optimal nutrition, I recommend eating freshly prepared high-quality foods. Eating processed foods with chemicals and artificial sweeteners is unhealthy and also doesn't address the behavioral issues that caused weight gain. I'll teach you how to prepare food and proper habits to keep the weight off.

  • Everything I teach can be shared with others in your household – there is no need to cook different meals for yourself and your family. It is likely to be great for everyone in your home.

  • Be patient with yourself and your body during the first weeks of your journey. Understand this is the beginning of a transformation. The introduction of nutritious and healthy products and food will begin to give your body what it has been craving. Products are recommended to help you prepare for an effective weight loss during this period. You may feel a little down or maybe even like you're beginning to get sick, but this is typically temporary and only due to the change you've made.

  • Not real food and probably too much sugar. But also better than eating nothing--because under-eating makes your body think you're in a famine.

  • I recommend that you do not skip the meal or shake, even though you may not feel hungry. Your body needs ongoing nourishment. We desire a smooth blood sugar level throughout the day and maintain that with regular food intake--not too large a portion, though!

  • I recommend that you increase your protein intake (which will increase your caloric intake). This extra fuel will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to support more activity without spiking blood sugar too much. Spiked blood sugar sends a signal to your body to store fat. Alternatively, including more healthy fats in your diet will stave off hunger without boosting blood sugar. Remember, fat in your food doesn't make you fat!

  • It is not uncommon to experience side effects when changing your regular eating habits. These symptoms include headache, fatigue, constipation, or upset stomach. Sometimes it takes time for your body to adjust to the new normal that you created. First, try to drink more water or eat a small snack. Fatigue and headache are often signs that your body is not getting enough or that you might be experiencing slight low blood sugar. Feelings that you might pass out or puke are signs of very low blood sugar.

  • Be as good as you want. You decide the pace of this whole thing, and I don't advocate for 'perfect all the time'...that is not unsustainable. Instead, we get strategic about free meals.

  • Those with 100+ pounds to lose are my favorite because I know we are making a profound difference by working together. People with more weight to lose are most likely to see above-average results, and I urge you to consider training with me starting immediately.

  • Depending on how things are, you can typically lose this amount from training with me for just a month or two, though I do recommend a brief period of maintenance as well to ensure it stays off.